New Expansion
I think we all thought out loud about this in the past. What if a new expansion pack to AoC would've been released? Which new civs would have been added? Which new units would spice up the battlefield? Which new technological improvements would be out there to help us forge an empire and defeat the enemy with new inventive tactics?
Okay, thing is, that this might not just be wishful thinking. I did some extensive research over the last days and I managed to add new civs, units and techs to the existing AoC. No, not just a modpack, but a real expansion, increasing the civ count beyond 18.
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Youtube Trailer: Here
Discussion topic on AoC-Zone: [You must login to view link]
Stream: We have regular streams of AoFE on various channels. Mostly on the [You must login to view link] channels of:
- SlipKn0T_FeAge: [You must login to view link]
- [NaBs]ZeroEmpires: [You must login to view link]
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- DreaIVIS: [You must login to view link]
- Cysion: [You must login to view link]
State of the Game
Completion: •••••••••• 99%
A civ to represent all the northern Italian city states (Venice, Padova, Sienna, Pisa, Genoa, etc...)
Youtube Trailer:
- Advancing to next age costs -10%
- All dock techs cost -50%
- Fishing ship LOS +2
- Gunpowder units cost -15%
Team Bonus:
University techs researched +25% faster
Tech tree:
Disabled infantry: eagle warriors, squires, halberdiers
Disabled cavalry: camels, paladins, hussars, bloodlines
Disabled archery: parthian tactics, heavy cavalry archers
Disabled siege: siege onagers, heavy scorpions
Disabled dock: heavy demolition ship
Disabled blacksmith: /
Disabled economy: gold shaft mining, two-man-saw
Disabled university: /
Disabled monastery: heresy
Genoese Crossbowman
Italian UU
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Something like this fella?
A rather slow archer with high HP, a normal range & attack but a bonus against cavalry. Costs 50 gold and 50 wood.
Age: Castle age
Cost: 550 food, 300 gold
Research time: 40 secs
Effect: +1/+1 armor for Genoese Crossbowmen
Silk Road
Age: Imperial age
Cost: 500 food, 250 gold
Research time: 60 secs
Effect: Trade units cost -50%
Completion: •••••••••• 99%
Medieval Hungary, from their nomadic origins through the reign of Istvan the Great till the Black Army of Matthias Corvinus
- Villagers +2 attack vs wolves
- All buildings cost -10% wood
- Scoutline cost -10%
Team Bonus:
Foot archers +2 LOS
Tech tree:
Disabled infantry: eagle warriors, squires
Disabled cavalry: camels
Disabled archery: hand cannoneers, heavy cavalry archer
Disabled siege: siege onagers, bombard cannons
Disabled dock: heavy demolition ship, elite cannon galleon
Disabled blacksmith: last infantry armor
Disabled economy: stone shaft mining, guilds
Disabled university: architecture, bombard tower, keep, siege engineers, fortified wall
Disabled monastery: atonement, redemption, faith
Disabled castle:/
Magyar Huszar
A beefed hussar with higher HP & attack. Top trash unit. Costs 90 food and 10 gold.
Age: Castle age
Cost: 200 food, 300 gold
Research time: 40 secs
Effect: Magyar Huszars cost no gold
Recurve Bow
Age: Imperial age
Cost: 800 wood, 400 gold
Research time: 40 secs
Effect: Cavalry Archers +1 range, +2 attack
Completion: •••••••••• 90%
The first South American civ.
- Start with a turkey
- Villagers affected by blacksmith upgrades
- Houses support 10 population
- Buildings cost -20% stone
Team Bonus:
Farm built 50% faster
Tech tree:
Disabled infantry: /
Disabled cavalry: all
Disabled archery: thumb ring, cavalry archers, hand cannoneers
Disabled siege: siege onagers, bombard cannon
Disabled dock: cannon galleons, heavy demolition ship
Disabled blacksmith: cav armor
Disabled economy: two man saw, guilds
Disabled university: masonry, architecture, bombard towers, keep
Disabled monastery: redemption, sanctity, heresy
Disabled castle: /
Anti-cavalry infantry unit with an insanely long spear. Costs 60 food and 30 gold.
Andean Slings
Age: Castle age
Cost: 300 gold, 200 food
Research time: 40 secs
Effect: skirmishers no minimum range
Age: Imperial age
Cost: 400 food, 200 gold
Research time: 40 secs
Effect: Eagle warriors +10% faster
Completion: •••••••••• 90%
Real India, not American Indians
- Villagers cost -10%/-15%/-20% in feudal/castle/imperial age
- Fishermen carry +25 food
- Camels +1/+1 armor
Team Bonus:
Camels +1 armor
Tech tree:
Disabled infantry: eagle warriors
Disabled cavalry: knights
Disabled archery: arbalests
Disabled siege: siege onagers, heavy scorpions, siege ram
Disabled dock: fast fire ship, shipwright
Disabled blacksmith: last infantry and archery armor
Disabled economy: crop rotation, guilds
Disabled university: architecture, bombard tower, keep, heated shot
Disabled monastery: atonement, faith, heresy
Disabled castle: sappers
Elephant archer
A beefed cavalry archer with high HP, a low range & attack. A tank unit. Costs 110 food and 80 gold.
Age: Castle age
Cost: 400 food, 400 wood
Research time: 40 secs
Effect: all gold income +10%
Age: Imperial age
Cost: 500 food, 350 gold
Research time: 40 secs
Effect: Hand cannons accuracy from 65% to 85%
Completion: •••••••••• 90%
From Russia with love, to Kiev with even more love
- Farmers work +15 faster
- Tracking free
- Siege units -15% cheaper
Team Bonus:
Rams attack 20% faster
Tech tree:
Disabled infantry: eagles
Disabled cavalry: camels, paladins
Disabled archery: thumb ring, heavy cavalry archers, hand cannoneers, arbalests, parthian tactics
Disabled siege: bombard cannon
Disabled dock: elite cannon galleons, heavy demolition ship, shipwright
Disabled blacksmith: last infantry armor, blast furnace
Disabled economy: stone shaft mining, guilds
Disabled university: fortified wall, heated shot, keep, bombard tower, architecture
Disabled monastery: faith, heresy
Disabled castle: /
Cavalry unit with high melee armor. Costs 50 food and 80 gold.
Age: Castle age
Cost: 300 gold, 200 food
Research time: 40 secs
Effect: monks +3/+3 armor
Age: Imperial age
Cost: 1200 food, 500 gold
Research time: 40 secs
Effect: Infantry damage adjacent units
Building: Dock
Available to: All
Age: Castle
Effect: Fishing Traps Gathering Rate +15%
Reason: Give those fishing traps some use.
Building: Castle
Available to: Vikings
Age: Castle
Effect: Gives Berserks anti-cavalry bonus
Reason: Vikings have nothing vs Paladins right now and Berserks are nearly useless. This solution solves 2 problems at once. We also avoid Vikings having halbs as this would render them too strong in early imp situations with arbs+strongest halbs+almost full siege.
Greek Fire
Building: Castle
Available to: Byzantines
Age: Castle
Effect: Fire Ships +1 range
Reason: Massed galleons will most likely rule the seas till the end of time, but maybe if water wars would be more balanced, these guys could force a breakthrough?
Building: Castle
Available to: Koreans
Age: Castle
Effect: Turtle ships +15% faster
Reason: Turtles have a tanking functionality, but this one actually gives them a little speed while doing so. Hopefully giving them the chance to at least fire some cannon balls before sinking.
Building: Castle
Available to: Japanese
Age: Castle
Effect: Towers fire 5 arrows
Reason: Give Japanese something extra in post-imp. The new feature makes their towers comparable, yet totally different from bombard towers.
- Widescreen activated by default.
- Mirror civs
- Win7 colors fixed by default.
- Windowed mode
- All changes listed in userpatch: [You must login to view link]
This list is provisional, it only displays the current state of testing. None of these changes are final
- Chinese TC LOS +5 (similar to Teutons)
- Teutons TC LOS restored to normal
- Teuton TC garrison +10 units, maximum arrows +5
- Saracen market cost -75 wood
- Cartography is free to research, requires a market.
- Missionaries affected by Bloodlines
- Aztecs free loom removed
- Aztecs start with +50 gold
- Cavalry Archers cost -5 gold
- Turtle Boats -10% cheaper (180 wood, 180 gold)
- Viking Team Bonus: Docks -15% cheaper (rather than -25%)(Docks cost 128 wood instead of 113 wood)
- Palisade walls take +1 second to build
- Stone walls take +3 seconds to build
- Capped Rams garrison 5 units (from 4)
- Fireships +20 HP
- Demolition ships +10 HP
- Britons get Cannon Galleons
- Mongols Elite Cannon Galleons removed
- Huns Cannon Galleons removed
- Mangudai Siege bonus limited to Rams
- Mangudai (non-elite) delay -50% (from 10 to 5)
- Viking ship cost now staggered per age: 10% cheaper in Feudal (81w-27g), 15% in Castle (76-25), 20% in Imperial (72-24)
- Huns cavalry archers cost -15% and -20% (castle and imp) -> reduced from -25% and -30%
- Huns treadmill removed
- Heavy Eagle Upgrade (450 food, 300 gold), takes 30 secs to research
- Elite Eagle Upgrade takes 50 secs to research (from 40 in AoC)
- Heavy Eagle Warrior (+1 PA, +5HP, -3 secs creation time)
- Camels -5 gold
- Japanese get Heated Shot
- Gillnets moved to the castle age for (300w, 200f), +15% speed for fishers
- Base cost for Plumed archers increased to 50g, 50w
- War Wagon creation time decreased from 25 to 21 seconds
- Korean fortifications built 25% faster
- Long swordmen +5 HP
- Long swordmen (and up) +2 attack vs eagles
- Long swordmen (and up) +1 hidden armor vs buildings
- Korean fortifications built 25% faster
- Huns lose stone walls
- Plumed Archer creation time +3 secs (from 16 to 19)
- Franks get squires
- Furor Celtica gives siege units +40% HP
- Trade cogs generate +10% gold
- Franks Foragers work +25% faster
- Elite janissaries are now affected by the Turkish teambonus
- Monks holding relics suffer from anti-monk damage too now
- Town Patrol costs only food (-200 gold)
- Murder holes costs -100 stone
- Trebuchets can attack trees a lot better now
- Onagers can kill trees
- Franks can garrison cavalry units in their stables
- Japanese get bloodlines
- Land nomad starts with Nomad resources
By Cysion - Last Update: 15 June 2012
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